Root characteristics and yield of rice as affected by the cultivation pattern of strong seedlings wi
To address the relationships between the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application and the yield of double cropping rice......
[Backgrounds] Light plays a key role in net primary productivity.Planting density is one of the most important agricultu......
Field experiments were conducted from 2012 to 2015 in an arid region of Northwest China to investigate the effects of pl......
研究了不同种植密度对青刀豆物候期、主要植物学性状及产量的影响。研究结果表明,合理密植可显著增加青刀豆产量,本试验中,以株距30 c......
Reducing nitrogen application with dense planting increases nitrogen use efficiency by maintaining r
Rational nitrogen (N) application can greatly increase rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield. However, excessive N input can lead......
露地栽培果桑,理想的群体结构是:密度每667 m2300~400株,株行距(0.9~1.1 m)×2m,株平均条数11.1根,平均条长1.62 m,667 m2总条数3......
试验地设在浙江省慈溪市范市镇。4 a的研究表明:菜用香椿矮化栽植密度以19 500~24 000株*hm-2为宜,采用菱形双行种植有利于香椿生长和......